ltrain Logo

english version czech version


It is clear now, that the railway simulator is very complex project, and the more people will be involved, the faster will the program be in a usable stage.

There is a lot of work in theese categories:

People who can propagate the project to the general public are welcome. This people can do especially:

We think, that a lot of subprojects to do here are suitable for the university activities (semestral works, thesis, ...).

Help with the project can even people specialized in things diferent from programing or railways. It needs some imagination, but any link can be always found. For example a videoamateur can prepare a shor trailer, and so on.

Please, if you want to become a co-worker, send an email to

The source codes download

The source codes can be downloaded anonymously from the CVS server. The example of commands:

cvs -f -d login

[Just press Enter at the password prompt]

cvs -f -z3 -d co ltrain

Last update: 10th November 2006